Janet Coxwell and her choir are thrilled to host a workshop with conductor and countertenor Patrick Craig this summer. The theme of the workshop is 'A Celebration Sunday at St Paul's - Mattins, Eucharist and Evensong'.
The repertoire will be:
- Vaughan Williams - Te Deum in G - Listen
- Alec Roth - Jubilate
- Rheinberger - Cantus Missae - Listen
- Swayne - Magnificat - Listen
- Holst - Nunc dimittis - Listen
- John Rutter - Psalm 150 - Listen
- Judith Weir - I love all beauteous things - Listen
All music will be provided except the Vaughan Williams Te Deum in G which you are asked to print off and bring with you using the following link: https://petruccimusiclibrary.ca/files/imglnks/caimg/1/1b/IMSLP135941-PMLP260682-Vaughan_Williams_-_Te_Deum_in_G.pdf
All singing enthusiasts welcome – no choral experience necessary. Teas & coffees provided, but please bring a packed lunch! The workshop starts at 11am and runs until 5pm, with a 1 hour lunch break around 1pm.